The starry sky is really beautiful at night
There are goats everywhere 🐐
Network is poor
Foods are expensive
行程 Itinerary
Day 1 亞比亞民宿 (東) Yabia Homestay (East)
16:00到達蘭嶼 16:00 Arrive at Lanyu
回民宿休息一下 Go to the homestay and take a rest
東清小夜市吃蔥油餅 Eat scallion pancakes at Dongqing Night Market
希蕊娜莉晚餐 Dinner
回民宿休息 Take a rest at the homestay
十一鄰酒吧 Bar
Day 2 (南) (South)
看日出 watch the sunrise
看完回去睡 Back to sleep
蘭嶼冷泉 Lanyu Cold Spring
看蘭嶼地下屋 Visit the Lanyu underground house
漂流木餐廳 Driftwood Restaurant (not sure english name)
西岸海邊玩水 Playing in the water on the west coast
繞南部蘭嶼一圈 hang out in the south of Lanyu
回民宿休息(走中橫)Go back to the homestay to rest (walk across the middle)
青青草原看夕陽 Green Grassland Watching the Sunset
蘭嶼哇哇複合式餐飲晚餐 Dinner
去附近商店買紀念品、郵局領錢 Go to a nearby store to buy souvenirs, and pick up money at the post office
回去路上看星星 Watch the beautiful stars in the sky
回民宿 Back to homestay
去雜貨店買酒回民宿喝 buy some drink at the grocery store and back to the hotel
Day 3 (北) (North)
早上藍海屋潛水 (不太推浮淺 有點雷 但聽說深淺很棒)Snorkeling at the Blue Ocean House in the morning (not recommend, but
回民宿洗澡 Back to home stay
午餐 人魚和貓 lunch
開始北繞蘭嶼(情人洞、蘭嶼鬼洞、貝殼砂、很深之意、雙獅岩、像水渠一樣 拍照)Start to circle around Lanyu in the north (Lover’s Cave, Lanyu Ghost Cave, Shell Sand, Deep Meaning, Shuangshi Rock, taking pictures)
沿路冰店吃冰 Eat icecream on the way
小攤販吃飛魚卵小吃 Eating flying fish roe snacks
蘭嶼氣象站 Lanyu Weather Station
回民宿 back to homestay
等八點吃 燒烤吃到飽 Wait until eight o’clock to eat BBQ all you can eat
小七買酒回民宿 Buy some drinks in a convenient store
Day 4
看日出 watch the sunrise
看完回去睡 Go back to sleep
東清三十三早午餐 Brunch
回民宿收拾行李 pack our luggage
舊蘭嶼燈塔拍照 Photograph at Old Lanyu Lighthouse
等搭船回本島 Back to Taiwan
原訂行程但沒去: The original itinerary but did not go
安逸酒吧 Angit Bar
M cafe喝酒
自由潛水 free diving
總歸一句 Summary:
抱持放鬆的心態來就好 Relax~~
Soak in your own world!