利用三種不同的深度學習方法(RNN、LSTM、GRU)來預測IBM股價 走向並比較
Use three different deep learning methods (RNN, LSTM, GRU) to predict IBM stock price trends and compare them
When investing in various financial products, the average investor tends to make small profits. Because investors often listen to news and impulses, or do not make detailed assessments and analyze them easily. If you want to analyze various economic information separately, you need not only Collecting a lot of relevant information is not only very time-consuming but also requires a wealth of professional financial knowledge, and its estimated future development trend is not necessarily accurate.
The development of artificial intelligence is prosperous, and it is used in many fields, especially in the field of finance , the prediction of neural network is quite popular, and the advantages of computing are fast. Neural networks can help investors make predictions.
Data Source 資料來源 Kaggle : Click On Me
流程 Workflow :
In this experiment, Keras was used to build a deep learning model, which was predicted by deep learning methods such as RNN, LSTM, and GRU, and the root mean square error (RMSE) was used as the evaluation standard.
實作結果 Result:
RMSE: 4.72949126626088.
RMSE: 3.3223451158225696.
分析結果與討論 Discussion
從上面結果圖可以看出,我們所預測的走勢與實際情況相近,其中又以LSTM最佳,RNN最差,我們推測原因是因為RNN只考慮最近的狀態,而LSTM結構更為複雜,會將過去的輸出和當前的輸入concatenate到一起。 在現實中的股價波動往往並不單純只與前一天的股價相關,而是會與歷史 中的股價變化有所關連。
From graph, we can see that the trend we predicted is similar to the actual situation. Among them, LSTM is the best and RNN is the worst. We speculate that the reason is because RNN only considers the most recent state, and the LSTM structure is more complicated. The past output is concatenate with the current input. In reality, stock price volatility is often not only related to the stock price of the previous day, but it is related to change in stock prices in history.